martes, 3 de junio de 2014

The style of the future Queen of Spain, Letizia Ortiz

King Juan Carlos of Spain abdicates after a reign of nearly 39 years. So now Prince Felipe and Princess Letizia will become the future King and Queen of Spain. From journalist to queen, Letizia has become a royal family member, always giving a good image of the country with a fresh, young and modern air. Casual chic day outfits, glamorous evening dresses, simple ensembles yet elegant looks, natural make-up and straight hair and occasionally ultra-feminine braids and side chignons... Here, we keep track of some of her best fashion moments and we take a look at her style.  

EL ESTILO DE LA FUTURA REINA DE ESPAÑA, LETIZIA ORTIZ. El Rey Juan Carlos I de España abdica después de 39 años de reinado. Ahora es el turno del Príncipe Felipe y de la Princesa Letizia de convertirse en los futuros Reyes de España. De periodista a reina, Doña Letizia se ha convertido en un miembro de la casa real, ofreciendo siempre una buena imagen del país con un aire fresco, joven y moderno. Atuendos casual de día, glamourosos trajes de noche, conjuntos sencillos pero elegantes, maquillaje natural, pelo suelto y liso y moños al lado... Aquí, recopilamos algunos de los mejores looks de Doña Letizia y analizamos su estilo.

Photo via Pinterest
Letizia's style is classic, sober, discreet and elegant. The Princess of Asturias usually wears formal and sophisticated looks often without taking risks, what has led to some people to say that she is too "boring" or too simple. However, beyond some mistakes, it's indisputable that she is a woman who always dresses correctly and who looks impeccable everywhere she goes.

At the beginning, the Princess wore head-to-toe monochrome outfits. Over the years, we've seen how her style has evolved. She has worn high street fashion brands as Zara, Mango and Uterqüe and she likes recycling outfits, but her favourite designer is Felipe Valera -friend of Prince Felipe-, who creates her dresses for institutional acts. The Queen recommended her that she chose a couturier of trust. For that reason, the Princess wears many dresses by the Spanish designer.

One of the greatest good stylistic choices the Princess made was the dress she wore during her official presentation in front of the European royalty, some days before her wedding, at the nuptials of Frederick of Denmark and Mary Donaldson. The design, which was intense red and spectacular, was made by Lorenzo Caprile. The same designer created the beautiful dress she wore to receive the Sarkozy matrimony at La Zarzuela.

From the newsroom to the throne
Born into a a middle-class family, who would have told Letizia that she would end up becoming the Queen of Spain? The eldest of three sisters and mother of two -Leonor and Sofía- left her journalistic career for love and now she will be the first Spanish queen the country has since 1879. The present monarch's wife, Queen Sofia is from Greece, while her predecessors, Maria Christina and Victoria Eugenia, were Austrian and English respectively. 

Felipe and Letizia announced their engagement in November 2003 and the royal wedding took place on 22 May 2004 at the Almudena Cathedral in Madrid. She dressed in a majestic dress by Manuel Pertegaz. See some of her best looks below.


Letizia and Felipe. Photo via SModa
El estilo de Doña Letizia es clásico, sobrio, discreto y elegante. La Princesa de Asturias acostumbra a lucir conjuntos muy formales y sofisticados a menudo sin arriesgar, lo que la ha llevado a que algunos la califiquen de "sosa" o de ir demasiado sencilla. Sin embargo, más allá de algún desliz, es indiscutible que es una mujer que siempre va correcta e impecable en cada ocasión. 

Al principio de convertirse en Princesa, Doña Letizia apostaba por atuendos monocromáticos de pies a cabeza. Con los años hemos sido testimonios de una clara evolución de estilo. Ha vestido marcas españolas "low cost" como Zara, Mango o Üterque en actos oficiales y le gusta reciclar o repetir modelos. Pero su modisto de cabecera es Felipe Varela -amigo de Don Felipe- que se encarga de vestirla para los actos institucionales. La Reina le recomendó en su día que eligiera a uno de confianza. Por eso, el diseñador firma muchos de los vestidos que lleva Doña Letizia.

Uno de los mayores aciertos estilísticos de la Princesa fue el vestido que lució durante su presentación oficial ante la realeza europea, poco antes de su boda, en el enlace de Federico de Dinamarca y Mary Donaldson. El diseño, que era de un rojo intenso y espectacular, lo firmaba Lorenzo Caprile. El mismo diseñador creó el bonito y acertado traje que vistió para recibir al matrimonio Sarkozy en La Zarzuela

De la redacción al trono 
Nacida en el seno de una familia de clase media, quién le iba a decir a Letizia que acabaría convirtiéndose en Reina de España. La mayor de tres hermanas y madre de dos hijas -Leonor y Sofía- dejó su carrera periodística por amor y, aunque el camino no ha sido fácildentro de poco será la primera reina española que tiene el país desde 1879. La mujer del último monarca, la Reina Sofía es de Grecia, mientras que sus predecesoras, María Cristina y Victoria Eugenia eran australiana y británica respectivamente.

Felipe y Letizia anunciaron su compromiso en noviembre de 2003 y se casaron el 22 de mayo de 2004 en la catedral Almudena de Madrid. Ella lució un majestuoso vestido con cuello corola firmado por Manuel Pertegaz. Recopilamos algunos de sus mejores looks.

Letizia Ortiz Style

El estilo de Letizia Ortiz

The wedding

Felipe and Letizia At The Royal Wedding In Copenhagen Cathedral on 2004

Princess Letizia of Spain (L) and Bettina Wulff (R) pose for the photographers at the Zarzuela Palace on February 10, 2011 in Madrid, Spain

Princess attends 'Club Internacional de Prensa' 50th Anniversary at Jardines de Cecilio Rodriguez on April 18, 2012 in Madrid, Spain

Princess Letizia attends the Prince of Asturias Awards 2012 ceremony at the Campoamor Theater on October 26, 2012 in Oviedo, Spain

Princess Letizia attends the 'Prince of Asturias Awards 2013' ceremony at the Campoamor Theater on October 25, 2013 in Oviedo, Spain

Princess Letizia of Spain attends Audiences at Zarzuela Palace on October 21, 2013 in Madrid, Spain

Prince Felipe and Princess Letizia of Spain receive the visit of King Willem Alexander and Queen Maxima of The Netherlands at Zarzuela Palace on September 18, 2013 in Madrid, Spain

Princess arrives to the 'Rare Diseases Spanish Federation' on February 5, 2013 in Madrid, Spain

Visiting King Juan Carlos of Spain at La Milagrosa Hospital on March 3, 2013 in Madrid, Spain

Queen Sofia and Princess Letizia attend the Order of the Toison de Oro to Enrique V. Iglesias at The Royal Palace on April 1, 2014 in Madrid, Spain

Princess Letizia attends several audiences at the Zarzuela Palace on May 8, 2014 in Madrid, Spain

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