Katy Perry's
new released video Unconditionally is so glamorous like if it was a
Gatsby-esque party. The powerful ballad, which happens to be the second single from her latest album
Prism, is love and so are her gorgeous outfits. Who is behind them? Stylist Johnny Wujek. See the beautiful gowns.
El nuevo videoclip de Katy Perry, Unconditionally, es tan glamouroso como si se tratara de una fiesta organizada por Gatsby. La poderosa balada, que resulta ser el segundo sencillo de su último álbum Prism
, es amor, igual que los maravillosos atuendos que lleva la artista. ¿Quién está detrás de estos? El estilista Johnny Wujek. Seguid leyendo para ver los distintos vestidos que lleva Katy en el vídeo.
"Ours was a timeless story, inspired by
Anna Karenina,
Dangerous Liaisons, and
Dr. Zhivago", set against a beautiful landscape", says stylist Wujek to MTV Style. And adds: "Meant to be a montage of beautiful images, I treated it like a fashion editorial. Each frame was its own cinematic moment. Each dress told a story."
El estilista Wujek cuenta a MTV Style que se inspiró en Anna Karenina
, Dangerous Liaisons
y Dr. Zhivago
. Wujek dice que pretendía ser un montaje de imágenes bonitas como si se tratara de un editorial de moda y cada fotograma fuera un momento cinematográfico. Cada vestido contaba una historia.
Katy's first outfit is a Chanel couture gown. She wears a multiple-strand pearl necklace, silver rings and plum or red lips.
El primer outfit de Katy es un traje de costura de Chanel. Lleva un collar de perlas de varias vueltas, anillos de plata y labios en ciruela o en rojo.
A still from Katy Perry's Unconditionally music video. Photo: Capitol Records. Via MTV Style. |
A still from Katy Perry's Unconditionally music video. Photo: Capitol Records. Via MTV Style. |
Next, Katy appears with big gold cross-shaped earrings and a stunning ornate gold satin and orange brocade gown from Wes Gordon's Autumn/Winter 2013 ready-to-wear collection. Wujek told MTV Style that this was his favourite gown from the video. At first, the dress "was set up as a tight beauty", but "in the end, the dress was so beautiful that the DP and director decided to pull back into a wide to showcase the gown's complete beauty", revealed the stylist to MTV Style.
A continuación, Katy aparece con unos maxi pendientes en forma de cruz y un adornado e impresionante vestido dorado de satén de la colección otoño/invierno 2013 prêt-à-porter
de Wes Gordon. Wujek dijo a MTV Style que éste era su traje predilecto del vídeo. Según comenta el estilista, al principio, el vestido estaba ideado para un plano de belleza, pero al final les gustó tanto que decidieron que saliera por completo.
A still from Katy Perry's Unconditionally music video. Photo: Capitol Records. Via MTV Style. |
A still from Katy Perry's Unconditionally music video. Photo: Capitol Records. Via MTV Style. |
Wes Gordon Autumn/Winter 2013 collection. |
Katy wears also a head-to-toe velvet green dress with silver embellishments from Dolce & Gabbana's Autumn/Winter 2004 collection paired with a falconry glove, big earrings and plum lips.
Katy lleva también un vestido verde de terciopelo con adornos plateados de la colección otoño/invierno de Dolce & Gabbana 2004. La cantante completa su atuendo con una lúa o guante de piel de cetrería, pendientes largos y labios en tono ciruela.
A still from Katy Perry's Unconditionally music video. Photo: Capitol Records. Via MTV Style. |
A still from Katy Perry's Unconditionally music video. Photo: Capitol Records. Via MTV Style. |
Dolce & Gabbana's Autumn/Winter 2004 collection |
Another outfit in the video is a beige gown that Katy wears lying on the bonnet of a black car and surrounded by flowers. In the image below, she is wearing the same dress we can see in the single cover.
Por último, otro outfit que vemos en el vídeo está compuesto por un vestido beige que Katy lleva estirada encima del capó de un coche negro y rodeada de flores. En la imagen -bajo esta líneas- viste el mismo vestido que en la portada del sencillo.
A still from Katy Perry's Unconditionally music video. Photo: Capitol Records. Via MTV Style. |
Which outfit do you like most?
¿Cuál es vuestro atuendo favorito?
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